Prosthetic eye with silicone lubricant.
Ocu-Sil™ is an optimal viscosity dimethylpolysiloxane silicone lubricant that relieves irritation and discomfort made specifically for people who wear prosthetic eyes.
Ocu-Sil™ is a 350 centi-stoke medical grade silicone fluid. It is translucent and free of particulates, lumps, and gels. It has been clinically tested and is free of any toxicities. Ocu-Sil is a FDA approved medical grade dimethylpolysiloxane used for medical devices.

Welcome to Ocu-Sil.com, the home of the revolutionary silicone eye lubricant. At our site, you will find this lubricant, specifically designed for wearers of prosthetic eyes. So what exactly is Ocu-Sil? It is a 350-centi-stroke lubricant designed for application inside the eye orbit, thus preventing the dangerous and uncomfortable chaffing associated with prosthetics and artificial-eye use.
A hydrophobic coating is built in to Ocu-Sil, allowing eyelids to glide effortlessly over all prosthetics. An optimal viscosity dimethylpolysiloxane silicone lubricant, this medical-grade fluid has been praised by ocularists all over the Untied States. Patients no longer need to suffer from the effects of infectious and embarrassing discharge, crusting, and discomfort associated with prosthetics.
Orbits everywhere will rejoice from the FDA approved lubricant. Any self respecting ocularist will tell you that the only suitable lubricants for patients are FDA approved. At Ocu-Sil, our products have been tested and retested, and then sent under the strict requirements of the FDA. With their approval, Ocu-Sil has now become a favorite of the American Ocularist.
A friend of prosthetics, Ocu-Sil will ensure a healthier and more comfortable orbit, leaving patients with any kind of prosthetics or plastic eyes happy and healthy.
Be sure to visit our Online Store, where you can use our shopping cart to effortlessly check-out on line. Also look at our resource page for more Ocularist information.
If you have any questions or comments regarding this prosthetic eye silicone lubricant, or if you are ocularist and want to find out more about our sample bottle and bulk discounts, please checkout our Contact section to contact Ocu-Sil, where you can reach the staff of Ocu-Sil in four easy and convenient ways.